
G&P Lazarou Estate Agents Ltd. offers a premium package for both buyers and landlords.

Real Estate

Thousands of property listings

Thousands of properties across Cyprus are offered and can be explored using our advanced search tool. Our properties are updated on a monthly basis to ensure optimum website maintenance.

Be the 1st to know

Benefit from becoming the first to know our recently added hot properties that match your criteria, by joining our customer database. Get notified instantly and benefit from obtaining important information on properties that may interest you.


IT trained personnel

Our property consultants are specially trained to use various software applications effectively in order to best communicate with the customer.


Entrust us with your property

We offer a range of services enhancing our promotional activities to make sure your property receives maximum exposure.


Buy / Rent

As an independent professional firm, we offer you the opportunity to buy your ideal property from over fifty developers. We offer a wide range of properties for sale or for rental, including apartments, offices, houses, land, luxurious villas, hotels.